A Battleaxe and a Metal Arm, Episodes 1-5

by Samuel Fleming

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Category: Fantasy – Sword & Sorcery

The Improbable Pair

by Sarah Noffke

Blood-sucking vampires and vegan psychics don’t mix. But to save the world from a magic-stealing madman, they’re going to have to. The Delta Underground Operatives, humanity’s last line of defense against evil threats, only enlist the brightest and the best. Clara and Damien fit the bill. So when a threat like no other can only be stopped by a perfect assassin team, the organization recruits these two unlikely vigilantes with complementary skill sets. Too bad they can’t stand each other.
He’s dangerous. She’s peaceful.
He’s loud. She’s meditative.
They don’t see eye to eye, but they’ll have to fight side by side. As their target hunts the innocent and threatens to destroy the delicate balance of magic, everything rests on the duo’s ability to work together.
Clara wants peace. Damien wants vengeance. Only they can take down evil. But first, they’ll have to get along…

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban

Taken by Twilight

by Tricia L Barr

Ten abducted humans. Seven fae regents in need of mates. Welcome to the Mating Games.

Evee Aldren wakes strapped on a plane with nine strangers, and her panic heightens when she sees that one of them is the man who broke her heart in high school.

Justin Jackson thought he’d never hear from his high school sweetheart again after she literally ran away from him after they recently reconnected. So when he’s forced off a plane full of hostages and sees she’s among them, he’s gripped with only one goal: Get her the hell out of there.

As inhuman beauties herd them like cattle, Evee and Justin learn they’re being forced into an ancient game of cat and mouse, where unwed fae regents hunt for their future mates. They ban together to escape, all the while fighting the intense passion burning between them.

Will they win their freedom, or will they lose everything? Let the games begin!

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban

Terms of Service: Subject to change without notice

by Craig W. Stanfill

250 years in the future, artificial intelligences control every aspect of Kim’s life – from what she has for breakfast to who she is allowed to have sex with.

Living in the northeast province of what used to be the United States, she is a rising star at The Artificial Intelligence Company, training and managing sentient beings called “AIs” in the enigmatic parallel universe of Virtual Reality.

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Category: Science Fiction – Dystopian


by Nadine Little

Ten years ago, they murdered her sister and started a war. Now, she will have her vengeance.

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The truth will destroy everything.

If you like a woman who can handle a gun, brutal dystopia and a terrifying glimpse into the future, you’ll love Captivity.

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Category: Science Fiction – Dystopian

Rise of the Brotherhood

by Jeff Gunzel

While kings and queens quake with fear in the presence of the Brotherhood, there are still those who dare to resist them.

Sillavana—half human, half ixolae—was just a child when they came and slaughtered her people. The Brotherhood considered her to be an abomination. How could such a thing be left to live?
There was just one problem. She escaped unnoticed… Now alone in the world, she must do anything she can to survive.
Jemaex had a perfect life. The son of a rich merchant, his life should have been easy. Swindling coin from common folk was fine for his father, but he dreamed of a different life. More than anything he wanted to study magic, and he was willing to give up everything in order to fulfill that dream.
And then he met Sillavana…
And his life was turned upside down…

No one who defies the Brotherhood has ever lived to tell the tale…

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Category: Fantasy – Epic