Supernatural Shadow

by Fatima Fayez

After a job gone wrong, supernatural bounty hunter Aisha finds herself taking orders from the powerful Alliance — and hunting a foe from her past through the streets of Barcelona… An entertaining release that’s first in a series!

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban


From Beyond

by Jasper T. Scott, Nathan Hystad

Are we alone? It was only a matter of time before the truth came out.
Commander David Bryce was set to lead a routine re-supply run for the Orbital Development Group (ORB) to the colony on Mars. Without warning, he’s taken away by government agents and told his mission has changed.
They’ve discovered something. And it’s drifting closer to Earth.
Atlas Donovan tirelessly hunts for an artifact, tracking it to Lake Como, Italy. After the recent news from ORB, Atlas is more drawn to the trail than ever. He continues his search, determined to uncover the significance of the strange markings, and more importantly, where the artifacts really came from.
As both Atlas and David draw near to their objectives, they realize a secret organization is working against them; a clandestine force with so much influence, they seem impossible to oppose.
Are we alone?
No, and they’ve been here before.

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Category: Science Fiction – Alien Invasion


Queen of Egypt

by Kylie Quillinan

1334 BCE. Eighteenth dynasty Egypt.
Queen Ankhesenamun is plagued by dreams in which she sees two futures. She never knows when a decision will lead to one of these futures. Her dreams have warned her of a blond-haired man who she will fall desperately in love with — and who will die by her own hand. When the man comes into her life, she is determined to avoid him in order to save his life. But she is irresistibly drawn to him.
When Pharaoh’s advisors move the court from the desert city of Akhetaten back to ancient Memphis, Ankhesenamun is thrown into a new world of danger, secrets, and old gods. Somebody wants her dead and she doesn’t know who she can trust.
Can she keep herself alive long enough to save the man she loves?

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Category: Fantasy – Historical

Blackwood Marauders

by K.S. Villoso

Growing up in a quiet farm, young Luc didn’t dream of adventures until he fails the military entrance exam. Robbed of the chance to prove his worth to his adoptive family, he crosses paths with a group of vicious, bloodthirsty mercenaries out on a monster-hunting quest…and a young noblewoman with scandal at her heels…

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Category: Fantasy – Sword & Sorcery

2084 – New World Man

by Jim Lowe

Brady knew two things:
It was the end of the world and the Greens had won.
2084 was going to be an interesting year. All he needed to do was break out of jail first.

Sattva Systems™ had transformed Nanotechnology and Fusion Power in a bid to avert the oncoming climate change catastrophe. Still, they were thwarted by the old industries at every turn. Leaving Bodhi Sattva – its charismatic owner with no choice but to team up with the Green Revolutionaries to bring down the internet and capitalism. He would lead them into a new era with his one-hundred-year plan to save the planet.

Then Brady discovered he had a unique ability that he could exploit to establish a criminal enterprise for himself and his adopted family of misfits and conspiracy theorists.

The Greens saw Brady as a threat to their project but not Bodhi Sattva. He had plans for Brady…

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Category: Science Fiction – Post-Apocalyptic

Solitude: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller (Dimension Space Book One)

by Dean M. Cole

A Global Rift in Space-Time. All Living Beings Gone Save Two Humans. An Impossible Rescue Mission.
Army Pilot Vaughn Singleton, Earth’s last man, rushes to Area 51 in search of a spaceplane after he discovers the last woman is stranded on the International Space Station and barely alive—thus beginning a race against time. The event that wiped life from the planet started at the supercollider. It created a rift in space-time. The astronaut stranded aboard the space station, Commander Angela Brown, is a theoretical physicist who used to work at the collider. She may be able to reverse the event, restoring the timeline and returning all life to the planet … if only she could get there. If you like action-packed, page-turning novels, you’ll love the electrifying action in this trilogy of award-winning thrillers.

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Category: Science Fiction – Time Travel

Multitude: A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller (Dimension Space Book Two)

by Dean M. Cole

When an alien attack rips a hole in spacetime, can humanity’s last two navigate looping dimensions to reverse the event and return life to the planet? Following the incredible events of Solitude, Vaughn and Angela must probe the depths of space and time to unravel and perhaps even reverse the enigma of humanity’s disappearance. But first, they must get past themselves. If you enjoyed Solitude, you’ll love the action and plot twists in this apocalyptic epic.

Previously $5.99

Dragon Fae Prophecy

by Caethes Faron

I’m an assassin, one of the best, but even the best make mistakes. My cover was blown when I took out a mage, and I became the most hunted sorceress in Elustria, my homeland. To make a bad situation worse, my fiancé didn’t know what I did for a living. When he found out…let’s just say Earth isn’t far enough to escape the chill of the look he gave me.

My exile is interrupted when the fae court decides I’ve fulfilled an ancient prophecy. They say I’m the Dragon Fae, the mythical savior of our people. My pet dragon says I’m too much of a hot mess to be a mythical anything—and I agree. So I convince the court to keep quiet about the whole “mythical savior” thing as long as I stop an attack they know is coming.

To stop the attack I have to work with a dragon shifter who’s convinced he’s my fated mate. I already learned what happens when I let people get close to me: everyone gets hurt.

Previously $3.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban

Dragon Fae Curse

by Caethes Faron

The fae queen has summoned me, and that can’t mean anything good. I thought since everyone believes I’m the Dragon Fae that I wouldn’t be subject to anyone.

Queen Malev disagrees.

I can’t navigate the fae court alone. The Dragon Fae isn’t complete without her dragon shifter. Deacon’s proved his loyalty several times over, and I trust him with my life, but I can’t commit to him as a mate. History has shown that I hurt those closest to me. I won’t let him become another casualty.

But maybe together we can rewrite history and cheat fate.

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