The Girl Who Sees

by Dima Zales

I’m an illusionist, not a psychic. Going on TV is supposed to advance my career, but things go wrong. Like vampires and zombies kind of wrong.

My name is Sasha Urban, and this is how I learned what I am.

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban


by Dan Kenner

Gathering the Awakened will change the course of the war.

Lightbearing has become a plague in Lindrad. Yet those who exploit the magic can no longer be ignored.

Janis, master assassin, thrived in her dark and lucrative world. All that changes when a mysterious organization force-hires her to delve into the magical power-struggle. Never did she suspect that the gateway into the war would be an unassuming youth.

His life was slow. His life was boring. A wish for something more turns reality as sixteen-year-old Marric is suddenly sought after for one specific fact; he is to become one of the Awakened.

Awakened is the first book in The Lightbearer Chronicles trilogy, an epic fantasy saga. If you like J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Paolini, and Brandon Mull, then you’ll love the immersive experience of a world thrown into chaos by a struggle between Light–and something even more foreboding.

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Category: Science Fiction – Adventure

My Three-Year-Old is a Barbarian and Other Parenting Problems

by Aaron Frale

Necromantic rituals, murderous ogres, battle-scarred rangers: not a typical Saturday detention for unsuspecting teaching assistant, Petra, and her delinquent teen charges.

The Beaverton High School Breakfast Club show up for what they thought would be cleaning the locker room with a toothbrush when the morning goes horribly wrong, and they fall victim to a deadly, dark spell.

Some jerkwad moon mage shoves the consciousness of Petra’s three-year-old into the body of a musclebound barbarian, and she is transformed into a halfling. The kids get stuck as a cleric, fire mage, and other stalwarts of your typical fantasy gaming party.

Now they must quest through a land of pissed-off warriors, angry giants, a pompous vampire, and a necromancer out to kill Petra and her child.

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Category: Fantasy – Epic

Orcs in Portland and Other Social Justice Issues

by Aaron Frale

Orcs invading Portland, a warg in the janitor’s closet, black ooze dissolving the gym teacher: a typical day for the students of Beaverton High and their fearless teaching assistant.

Petra thought working for her old high school was the worst thing that could happen to her until a magical disease infects her son.

Meanwhile the Barbarians Breakfast Club faces creatures invading their high school and murdering their classmates and principal. Okay, so maybe the latter isn’t that bad.

The phenomena intensify, and soon it is not just the high school that’s infested with murderous creatures. So, our hapless heroes much seek aid from old allies and enemies.

Find out if Portland can survive in the second Misfits of Carnt novel.

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Fear the Wolf

by Stefanie Gilmour

From the moment she transformed into a werewolf, Alex was terrified. First, of the man who attacked her-then of the beast within her. If her inner wolf breaks free again, people could die, and she’ll be the one hunted.

For help, she relies on her best friend Emma, a wizard and the only person she trusts with her secret. But Emma has her own secret: Mitch. He’s twisting her into someone unrecognizable…and he may be doing the same to other supernatural citizens.

To save Emma, Alex must make alliances with wizards and werewolves alike, unravel deadly conspiracies, and confront her own worst fear-herself.

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban

Cage the Wolf

by Stefanie Gilmour

Alex decided to stop running from her past. She didn’t expect it to find her so soon.

When Alex discovers the body of a young werewolf, all signs point to silver as the cause of death. Rumors fly of an ancient sect tracking and killing paranormal beings.

Joseph Stone, the newest Committee member, wants to use the grisly death to his advantage. He’s determined to drive all supernatural citizens out of Hopewell.

To save her home, Alex must rely on her volatile inner wolf to uncover who killed Isaac. In doing so, she’ll face a deadly threat whose sole intent is to destroy her.

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