Superdreadnought 1: A Military AI Space Opera

by CH Gideon

Integrated with a superdreadnought, the artificial intelligence known as Reynolds takes his ship across the universe in search of the elusive Kurtherians. He needs a crew. He needs information. And he needs to continue his search and destroy mission.

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Category: Science Fiction – First Contact

Wild Heart of the Storm

by Erica Sebree

Magic and swords collide in this coming-of-age fantasy.

When a young woman’s magic brings assassins to her door, the mysterious metalsmith might be her only escape.

Wild Heart of the Storm features a long-lost Fae princess and her warrior protector, untamed magic, animal guardians, and premonitory dreams.

Book 2 coming May 2, 2023!

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Category: Fantasy – Sword & Sorcery

Pox You: A Croft and Tabby Short

by Brad Magnarella

Warning: Foul-mouthed cat ahead

Prof Croft here and, yes, I trapped a murderous succubus in a kitten’s body and made her my pet. The alternative was to behead her, and as wizards go, I’m just not that callous.

Do you think Tabitha shows any appreciation? Two years old now, her speech has grown along with her girth, and when not insulting me, she’s plotting ways to devour my soul.

But that’s the least of my problems. An early winter storm has plunged our unheated apartment to near freezing, and I’m too cash-strapped to afford chimney service. So when a strange woman appears, asking me to investigate an attack at an old smallpox hospital, I accept the case along with her vague offer of compensation.

And if I can involve Tabitha, who knows? Maybe we’ll finally start bonding.

Sure, and maybe Hell will host the next Winter Games.

Previously $0.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban


by Glynn Stewart

A shackled Earth, ruled by an unstoppable tyrant
An exiled son, and a one-way trip across the galaxy
A perfect world, their last hope for survival

Vice Admiral Isaac Gallant is the heir apparent to the First Admiral, the dictator of the Confederacy of Humanity. Unwilling to let his mother’s tyranny stand, he joins the rebellion and leads his ships into war against the might of his own nation.

Betrayal and failure, however, see Isaac Gallant and his allies captured. Rather than execute her only son, the First Admiral instead decides to exile them, flinging four million dissidents and rebels through a one-shot wormhole to the other end of the galaxy.

There, Isaac finds himself forced to keep order and peace as they seek out a new home without becoming the very dictator he fought against…

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Category: Science Fiction – Colonization


by Sean Platt and David W. Wright

Hamilton Island looks like the perfect home. Maybe it would be, if it wasn’t filled with tomorrow’s nightmares…

The Puget Sound bedroom community has it all — beautiful homes with white picket fences, a thriving tech sector, and one of the best school systems in the state.

But not everything is as it seems.

People on the island go missing all the time.

Its residents are being watched.

And controlled.

After the school shooting Jon Conway returns to Hamilton Island to meets the daughter he never knew he had. Cassidy Hughes can’t live in her twin’s shadow. Now that her sister’s dead, Cass has to get sober for her niece. Then she remembers what drove her to pills.

Previously $0.99

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Apple Books | Nook | Smashwords | Kobo

Category: Science Fiction – Adventure

Torvald Dragon Riders: Nine Book World Boxset

by Ava Richardson

Three young Dragon Riders. One magical world…

This exciting collection includes three complete trilogies set in the dragon-riding world of Torvald. Nine books of breathtaking fantasy adventure, featuring three unforgettable heroes…

Neill Torvald is desperate to prove himself to his warlord father—until a chance meeting with a princess places father and son at odds. To unite a fractured kingdom, this reluctant hero must rise to the challenge and lead the Dragon Riders against a rogue sorcerer…

High-born Agathea and scruffy Sebastian seem an unlikely pair at first glance. But this duo must forge an unbreakable bond and find the sacred Dragon Stones. Can they defend the realm from an ancient evil—before endless darkness swallows them all?

Dragon Rider Saffron’s wild and untamed magic is not enough to defeat the evil Dark Mage that threatens Torvald…

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Category: Fantasy – Myths & Legends

Pandemic Hacker

by B. D. Murphy

Using everything she has learned growing up and in college, Sam is working to stop an extortion group that has evaded detection and prosecution for years. She starts by stealing their money.

She is finding disturbing evidence and with every discovery, they put more resources into trying to kill her. Is the FBI helping or involved?

Her family is gone, so the group can’t use traditional methods to stop her. Sam knows her decision will change her life, but she can’t ignore the victims.

Their Wi-Fi password isn’t strong enough to stop Sam. Is yours?

Previously $6.99

Other Retailers
Apple Books | Nook | Smashwords | Kobo

Category: Science Fiction – Adventure


by James Alderdice

He has no name. His past is a mystery. His future is etched in blood…
The Sellsword knows an opportunity when he sees one. When he rides into the border city of Aldreth, he can tell that the power struggle between two feuding wizards needs a solitary spark to ignite into all-out-war. As he sets the corrupt paladins and demonic adepts against each other, he’s not surprised when the blood begins to flow…

But after the alluring duchess catches his eye, the Sellsword puts himself in harm’s way to protect her and the innocent people of Aldreth. To save the noble few, spells and blades won’t stop the Sellsword from leaving a swath of righteous carnage in his wake…

Brutal is an action-packed sword and sorcery fantasy in the vein of classic pulp fiction and 80’s movies.

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Category: Fantasy – Sword & Sorcery