Void Magi

by Andrew Dobell

Amanda’s fight against the ancient, ruinous powers, comes to an end.

Amanda’s gambit paid off, but now the Crux are unleashed.
The vast Crux armada descends upon the Nexus, rampaging through human space, burning entire planets to ashes.

With her new allies, Amanda leads her small team against the might of the Crux in a desperate attempt to end the war and save humanity.

As the murderous Magi and Dragons of the Crux close in on Earth, Amanda must make a final stand against creatures of unimaginable power.
Loyalties are tested, friends die, and traitors are revealed.

This war will change everything, and the universe of the Magi will never be the same again as Amanda makes her final stand against the evil of the Crux.

Previously $4.99

Category: Science Fiction – Space Opera