They Will Be Coming for Us

by Kim Catanzarite

“They Will Be Coming for Us holds readers spellbound as it straddles several genres. First and foremost, it’s a love story. But it’s set in a science fiction narrative and reads like a thriller.”—BlueInk Review (starred review) It begins with a young woman, Svetlana, who meets Andrew Jovian at a UFO festival that boasts thousands of people dressed as aliens and sci-fi characters. They immediately become inseparable, and soon she’s introduced to his wealthy family. Andrew’s father founded an aerospace company that works with NASA, and they’re the town’s “royalty.” They marry, and the suspense builds as Sveta senses something odd about members of the Jovian clan and doesn’t like the way they’re pressuring her and Andrew to have a baby. Her concern grows as their behavior becomes more and more shocking—and she discovers a monumental secret that could change the course of mankind.

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Category: Science Fiction – Alien Invasion