Theoclea (The Delphic Oracle) and Pythagoras in Eleusis and Atlantis

by PanOrpheus

This is a book about ‘seeing’ and ‘knowing’ as exemplified in the archetypical characters of the title. We meet Theoclea as a child, as she experiences her first vision ‘seeing’ of the future. Pythagoras as the archetypical Scientist-Mathematician ‘knows’ things. The book moves on to a time when she has become The Delphic Oracle and gives the speech of a lifetime to a huge crowd before the Mysteries of Eleusis begin. The second part of the book moves on as Theoclea and her friends–her teacher, Pythagoras; Vorios the Magician; Morain, her Counselor, and Panelle, her Guardian/Protector get to ‘see and know’ Atlantis. In the end, we have been to Atlantis as well, witnessed the destruction, and the revelations that the characters give to us. A gift from ancient times.

Previously $3.98

Category: Fantasy – Alternative History