Theoclea (The Delphic Oracle) and Pythagoras in Eleusis and Atlantis

by PanOrpheus

In this book, we meet Theoclea as a child, playing with her friends near the Temple of Delphi ca. 500 BC We are there as witnesses as she experiences her first vision of the future. The book moves on to a time when she has become The Delphic Oracle and gives the speech of a lifetime to a huge crowd before the Mysteries of Eleusis begin. The second part of the book moves on as the Temple of Delphi is attacked and Theoclea is held hostage by Davros, a descendant of the Atlanteans. Can she escape? Later, Theoclea and her friends–her teacher, Pythagoras; Vorios the Magician; Morain, her Counselor, and Panelle, her Guardian/Protector ‘see’ Atlantis. In the end, we ‘know’ and ‘see’ Atlantis as well.

Previously $3.98

Category: Fantasy – Alternative History