The Watchmage of Old New York

by C.A. Sanders

It is 1855, and Nathaniel Hood walks between two worlds.
As the Watchmage of New York City, Nathaniel is charged with protecting, regulating, and administering justice to the myriad supernatural beings immigrating to the city. When his policeman son, Jonas, is brutally beaten by Veil Dwellers while investigating a kidnapping, Nathaniel breaks his vow not to interfere with mundane society and joins the search.
Together and apart, the father and son uncover the secret lives of the supernatural and the broken lives on the Bowery, only to find a terrible secret.
The Watchmage of Old New York–Book 1 of The Watchmage Chronicles–is an expansion of the award-winning serial of the same name. It’s a blend of fantasy, history, humor, and mystery, wrapped in a vivid mid-19th century New York.

Previously $3.99

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Category: Fantasy – Historical