The Starship Sneak

by Marc B. DeGeorge

Renton (Rance) Quigley He’ has two big dreams, but he’s failing miserably at both. He hopes to one day resurrect the dream he had with his father, and he desperately desires to ask the love of his life out on a date. But then, an alien race attacks their planet, seemingly unprovoked—but why? Something about their attacks doesn’t add up. Why are they so random? And why doesn’t the Empire protect their new colony? Only Rance and his friends can find out, but they’ll have to agree on what’s for lunch first.

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Category: Science Fiction – Adventure

The Reckless Rescue

by Marc B. DeGeorge

Renton (Rance) Quigley He’ and his team have taken their first big step towards fighting injustice across the Empire—they’ve saved their own planet from certain destruction! When his alien friends come seeking his help to fight off an unknown menace, Rance accepts immediately. He knows it won’t bring him fame or fortune, but who turns down a friend in need? Then, a complication—a beautiful woman in distress begs his help. Should Rance put his friends on the back burner and say yes, or should he turn her down? While Rance and team prepare, a government official—who the team were investigating for their alien buddies—investigates them! Can they complete the woman’s task and get the official off their backs at the same time? Rance must decide what to do…and fast.

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