The Song of Theodore

by James Malone

Angels and Trolls. Völvas and Volvos. Epic Poems and Flying Pigs. The Song of Theodore blends history and fantasy in a stand-alone sequel to the award-winning Rainbow Gardens. World War 2 has ended, but not America’s hostility toward Japanese Americans, including veterans like Captain Teddy Larson. Teddy brings his interned father home to Rainbow Gardens, Minnesota’s first neon-lit motel. He’s determined to overcome discrimination while rebuilding Rainbow Gardens and fending off the trolls. Yes, trolls. The kind that turn to stone. They think Teddy’s their Redeemer. He’s a reluctant champion, so they might be guessing wrong. Triumph and tragedy mark Teddy’s quest for justice and acceptance, while an angel tries to show him the path to forgiveness. Can he succeed in post-war America? Will he lead the trolls to redemption? The answers lie in the neon paradise of Rainbow Gardens.

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Historical