The Sandbox

by JW Patrick

*Trigger Warning: The Sandbox features rebellious anti-establishment, pro-environment teenagers. Just saying…

When three idealistic teenagers find themselves inside an ethereal virtual world, a counterpart to Earth, seemingly with no limits, Sonny, Dan and Isla revel in this incredible playground but on returning to reality, they discover a ripple of unexpected real-life consequences to their actions. The mind-blowing realisation that they may wield enormous power opens up limitless possibilities:
Revenge on the global corporation that fracked the family farm. A chance to right a historic wrong. An opportunity for campaigning paralympian Isla Duncan to change the world for the better.
But when The Establishment fights back and the deaths rack up, the trio start to wonder if they do indeed control The Sandbox or is it controlling them?
If so, what on Earth does the Sandbox want?

Previously $2.99

Category: Science Fiction – First Contact