The Ruptured Sky

by Jessica A. McMinn

“If the insane quality of this debut novel is anything to go by, then I have a feeling McMinn is going to be an author to watch!” — Grimdark Magazine

Princess Amikharlia likes a fight.

Abandoning her homeland, she travels across the ruins of Whyt’hallen to take up the hunt against the mutated remnants of a magical war that killed the gods and tore the sky asunder.

But these vicious beasts are not the darkest shadow hanging over Amika’s life—it’s the forbidden magic she’s hidden since childhood … and what would happen if it were discovered.

Embroiled in a madman’s prophecy to revive the dead goddess, Amika must confront her unwillingness to walk the path of destiny’s design—or risk the rise of a malevolent new god.

But can she devastate the world in order to save it?

Previously $2.99

Category: Dark Fantasy