The Purple Prince

by Sebastien Menkes

A thousand years have passed since the fall of the gods. Those who remain faithful to them are hunted down and killed by the tyrannical Kildarion Empire. Meanwhile, the dead are brought back in untold numbers, and anyone who dreams goes mad…

The Purple Prince is the opening chapter in a thrilling new fantasy series. It follows the lives of four extraordinary people, bound together by destiny.

Mila, a loyal follower of the gods, who has sworn to bring them back to life.
Benedict, son of the Emperor, and next in line to the Kildarion throne.
Angelo, a master assassin, who has been given his greatest assignment yet.
And Raewyn, heir to Earth’s End, who alone knows the whereabouts of the infamous Purple Prince.

“When the flames of heaven are rekindled, the fallen shall rise again…”

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Category: Fantasy – Epic