The Prince and the Cyborg

by J. M. Page

Celine has always dreamed of seeing the sky and the stars, but living on a dusty wasteland of a planet keeps her feet firmly planted on the ground. Even her remarkable cybernetic arm can’t seem to craft the technology to get her into orbit.

Prince Bennett is tired of the politics. All he’s ever been good at is flying, but bureaucratic nonsense and an edict from the King has all flights grounded and his citizens suffering.

A foolhardy trip into the Wastelands proves catastrophic for the Prince and the only one around to witness it is Celine, the cyborg. Will she help the human that makes her heart race, or heed her father’s warnings of their blood-thirsty nature?

When the city is under siege and a vengeful alien threatens to destroy everything they hold dear, will they be able to overcome age-old prejudice and work together, or will fear and mistrust doom them all?

Previously $2.99

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Category: Science Fiction – Adventure