The Night People

by C.S. Hand

Sam is already dealing with abusive parents and school bullies. And now, the Night People are back.
They’ve been visiting him for ten years, since he was five. They show up when he’s alone, and he never remembers what happens. But he’s hearing them in his head—telepathy? Who or what are they? What do they want? Are they really aliens? Or is he just crazy? It’s not like he can ask anyone. He would give anything for a friend to confide in.
Then Jade arrives. But meeting her triggers a new, alarming chain of events: Missing time. An angry, threatening army major. A futuristic underground organization that . . . someone . . . spirits Sam into. Who runs this place? The military? The Night People? Why is Sam here? Will he ever get out?
Will he ever see Jade again?

Previously $2.99

Category: Science Fiction – Adventure