The Last Priestess

by Elizabeth Baxter

How do you save a world that doesn’t want saving?
As a priestess in a remote temple, Maegwin thought herself safe from the mage-led war engulfing the land. But soldiers attack her temple and when she kills the perpetrators, she is sentenced to death. When she’s given a last-minute reprieve from the gallows by an enigmatic stranger, she realizes her goddess has given her a second chance. But not to atone for her crimes. To take revenge.

Rovann is the King’s Mage. Champion. Leader. The man people look to for succour. And he’s heartily sick of it. Plagued by doubts and full of questions, he hopes the woman he saves from a hanging might hold the key to ending this interminable war. But she is not what she seems and Rovann is not sure he can trust her.

In a battle where failure means annihilation of all they hold dear, can these two unlikely allies learn to trust each before it’s too late?

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Category: Fantasy – Epic