The Last Everything

by Frank Kennedy

“The dark will drown them all.”

A four-book saga of two universes, forty worlds, and stunning destinies begins in the unlikeliest place. Jamie Sheridan’s very bad night turns worse as he races toward a fate that will change him into a god or a monster – if the beast within doesn’t kill him.
This small-town Alabama boy must find something to live for as the clock ticks. His friends? The brother who let him down? The beauty of a sunrise?

Perhaps the answer lies in another universe altogether. After his mentor is killed, and townspeople pursue him – heavily armed – Jamie learns the truth about a genetic seed planted within him long ago, possibly shaping the future of two Earths. Readers call this a “wild ride that rockets out of the gate” and “is not for the faint of heart.”

Chase The Impossible Future while the series is on sale.

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Category: Science Fiction – Space Opera

The Risen Gods

by Frank Kennedy

New enemies. New conspiracies. New wonders.

It’s time for the survivors to grow up as they cross into the universe of the Collectorate. Friendships are ruptured, betrayal awaits at every turn, and the dark secrets of a monstrous plan threatens billions in the second leg of the chase to The Impossible Future.

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