The Last Checkout

by Peter Besson

In the year 2031, scientists have declared reincarnation reality, and legally sanctioned death houses have sprouted up like mushrooms in overcrowded, pollution-choked cities. Those so-called ‘Last Resorts’ provide the paying guest with the tools for a successful exit from life, with only one simple rule – once a customer is checked in, the check-out is feet-first only.

Ansel Grayson has been a resident at the Hotel Terminus for 12 years, unable to take the final step. On the day he finally works up the nerve to check out, he’s interrupted by the most recent addition to the guest list. Ansel and Nikki, broken by life and with their final check-outs looming, find themselves drawn into each other’s orbits and trying to discover a reason to live, certain they will have to die.

Previously $5.99

Category: Science Fiction – Dystopian