The Knight of Honor (The Arising Evil, Book 1)

by Ulysses Troy

While there is still time until the red night’s evil rule over the azure sky arises, and the mankind is still within peace, in the northern borders of a proud kingdom, a noble but naive baron rides through a path of certain death to preserve his honor.

A deadly but stained knight who chooses only black as his color spills blood for the rotten heart of a golden lady.

A shattered shadow from the dark past leads his fallen men to bring doom upon the living.

And among them all, a newly famed adventurer from the south with a heart of a hero, Conrad of Battum, finds himself in the middle of a circle drawn by rivalry, intrigue, passion, and virtue while following the trails of his lost friend.

For one more time, he will have to unsheathe his sword and keep his heart valiant, against a web of shadows and a brotherhood of evil, under a veil of mystery and a mist of magic.

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Category: Fantasy – Epic