The Gryphon Stone

by Thomas Watson

Of all the worlds in the multiverse, Adrathea is the last David Render would willingly revisit. What happened there broke his heart and drove him to retire from the UN Multiverse Survey. To hang up his sword forever.

Then Treyvar of the Alvehn brings disturbing news. Adrathea is in peril, and David’s old comrade needs his help to stop a rogue Alvehn from usurping the throne and ruling the planet forever as an immortal tyrant. To set things right, David must return to the one place he never wants to see again.

But Adrathea is a world to which David’s fate is bound by the most intimate of ties. He has no choice. Adrathea calls, and he must answer.

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Category: Fantasy – Epic

The Lesson of Almiraya Bay

by Thomas Watson

David Render’s travels through the multiverse have come to an end. Married to Sidraytha of the Isles, the Isles of Wulde are his home, and the Islanders have adopted him as one of their own. His life in the service of the Alvehn, in their endless war against the barbaric Moj, is a thing of the past. That Edren the Rogue Alvehn remains at large on Adrathea is a problem for the Alvehn to solve – without him.

On a night of celebration, that past proves closer to him than he ever dared imagine. A light appears in the sky; a lost starship in a universe where space travel is impossible. When the survivors of this impossible ship find themselves in the care of the Islanders, they stir up David’s worst nightmares, and draw the attention of the Rogue Alvehn to the Isles.

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