The Gorgon Bride

by Galen Surlak-Ramsey

The demise of a man. The birth of a hero. Will the vengeance of the gods be a fate worse than death?

Alexander Weiss’s day goes from bad to worse when he washes up on a forgotten isle filled with statues. Being stuck there is bad enough, but the fact that the island is also the home of Euryale, elder sister to Medusa, makes the situation a touch worse. The only thing keeping Alex from being petrified is the fact that Euryale has taken a liking to the blundering mortal.

For now.

What follows next is a wild, adventurous tale filled with heroes, gods, monsters, love, and war that is nothing short of legendary.

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Category: Fantasy – Myths & Legends

Rise of the Gorgon

by Galen Surlak-Ramsey

Euryale, sister of Medusa, longs to be accepted, but no matter what she does, all she gets is more of the same: heroes who want to kill her; strangers who want to manipulate her; and gods who want to torment her.

But there’s only so much a gorgon can take.

So when Euryale finally snaps and seeks vengeance, she discovers an ancient being who offers her a way to bring all of her enemies to their knees—if she’s willing to pay a hefty price.

And for a girl who’s shunned by all, what’s one more curse to bear?

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