The First Balance Bringer

by Debra Kristi

In a time of great imbalance, when the elven tribes are retreating to their homeland, abandoning the world of Hiddenkel, three elves come together in a ceremonial request for a bringer of balance.

Their wish is granted, but with an unintended consequence…an early birth sends the ceremonial outcome astray. The gift of a balance bringer is inadvertently bestowed upon a newborn baby girl – a half elf, half immortal warrior.

In order to keep the child’s power in check, her soul is divided into three parts, creating three sisters, each taking on the gift of one element – earth, wind, and water. In their seventeenth year, two Fae boys arrive at the time the girls’ destiny falls upon them. The girls are unprepared for the task or the consequences. Can they bring balance to the world without losing all whom they hold precious in the process?

Previously $3.99

Category: Fantasy – Coming of Age