
The Elusive Highlander

by Ju Ephraime

Alasdair is a Scottish Laird who lives in a world of Druid magic and ancient customs, who is murdered on the eve of his wedding. Not willing to accept his death, his mother, a Druid priestess, performs a geas to keep him alive. But something went awry because, as the last word of the geas was spoken, Alasdair is trapped in time where he wanders the earth for centuries.
Coira Ainsley is a happy-go-lucky young woman living in twenty-first century Manhattan. Her job as a travel agent takes her all over. She loves the work she does and is excellent at it. That is, until finds herself in fourteenth century Scotland at Inveraray Keep. When Coira sees the giant, wearing nothing but a kilt and a studded leather strap across his massive chest she finds herself welcoming the darkness that come over her as she loses consciousness, without learning that the naked giant is her betrothed, from another timeā€¦ another place. Will she give in and accept what has been pre-destined or will she fight to get back to the life she knows and loves?

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Category: Fantasy – Historical