The Definition of Luck or The Post-Modern Prometheus

by Steven Paul Leiva

Khadambi Kinyanjui, a 6-foot-five-Kenyan who grew up in London, is from a wealthy family. Joe Smith, quite a bit shorter, is a red-headed orphan who grew up with his Aunt Liz in a hole in the California desert. Both are brilliant scientists. One is a neurobiologist, the other an astronomer, who first meet in 2049 under the Tommy Trojan statue at the University of Southern California. They become the best of friends but a very odd couple. And yet, their brotherhood is more robust than most actual brothers. Then tragedy strikes the pair. Death is near for one of them. What can fend it off? Can the mind, the self, be uploaded to some digital realm? Can one become more than a human and far less than an animal? Or will the fix be something unexpected and mysterious? Can this human survive? Can humanity? Can friendship?

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Category: Science Fiction – Metaphysical & Visionary