The Cartel: The Apprentice, Volume 1by EG ManettiStep into a universe where duty is a double-edged sword honed by passion. Love isn’t just a battlefield—it’s an entire galaxy. She would give anything to protect her family… including her mind and body. Lilian’s bright future was destroyed with a single, devastating stroke—her family name erased, their cartouche melted, and their property forfeited. Destitute and desperate, she is determined to survive and protect what remains of her family—no matter what she must do. Lucius Mercio is the preeminent warrior of his cartouche, and the cartel it dominates; the Serengeti Group. Ruthless, clever, and ambitious, Lucius’ wealth, influence, and power are exceeded by few within the Twelve Systems. It is not sufficient. Lucius needs Lilian… and he needs her alive. $0.00 Previously $0.00 Category: Science Fiction – Galactic Empire