The Blood-Born Dragon

by JC Rycroft

A bond she didn’t choose. A love she can’t escape. A creature so powerful it bends the limits of time…
When sellsword Des Mildue emerges from a roadside brawl bonded to a baby dragon, the first hatched in living memory, she thinks that its voice in her head is frustration enough. All she had wanted to do is stay out of trouble. But with half the world on their tail – including Liv, her beautiful faithless ex, who Des is *definitely* over – she must search for answers about why so many are wiling to kill, maim and torture to get their hands on the beast. But she’s beginning to suspect her blood bond has tied her not only to the dragon, but to a fight for the future… and no one else even knows it’s at risk.

Previously $5.99

Category: Fantasy – Epic