The Adventures of Kirk Rogers

by C. J. Boyle

The Kirk Rogers Series Omnibus Books One Through Four

Adventures Inside the Moon; Book One – Strangers suddenly find themselves inside the moon and tasked with fixing an alien device before the entire solar system is destroyed.

The Adventures of Kirk Rogers; Book Two – The continuing series finds Kirk and his friends stranded on an alien planet and tasked with rescuing a woman in stasis before a prince kills her and takes the crown.

The Adventures of Kirk Rogers and The Illuminati; Book Three – Captain Rogers and his band of heroes must save Robyn from the Illuminati and prevent them from getting a foothold in Atlantis.

The Adventures of Kirk Rogers and The Queen of Hades; Book four – Kirk and Steven risk life and limb in their quest to save Laura and Ripley from the king of darkness… Hades.

Previously $10.00

Category: Science Fiction – Adventure