
by Jarrett Brandon Early

When grief-stricken Marlin Hadder travels to the sunless city of Station, he discovers a nocturnal utopia where anything is possible. On its iridescent surface, Station is a city of indulgence, where desires are satisfied through gratuitous sex, exotic drugs, and extreme surgical procedures called Elevations.

Beyond the audacious parties and shocking body modifications, however, Hadder begins to uncover the city’s darker mysteries, including a violent, twisted group of residents called Risers, who have abused Station’s gifts, transforming themselves into killing machines determined to escape the city’s massive walls.

As Hadder encounters Station’s more outrageous characters, including a flesh artist, a band of behemoth guardians, and a self-appointed king of carnage, he begins to ask a frightening question. Is Station a place where dreams are made? Or where monsters are created?

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Category: Science Fiction – Genetic Engineering