Smiling Ghosts

by Bridgette Ehly

Working-class girl, Miranda, suspects something is very strange about her elite new school. Things spiral into a nightmare when her obsession with old photographs puts her at odds with deceivers from another world.
While conducting research, Miranda discovers a fake historic photo of a beautiful young woman. When she shows the photo to her friend, Leo, he says it’s a clue to the greatest lie ever told.
He convinces her the world is not what it seems. Deceptive creatures control the school and most of the earth.
After years of preparation, their plan to destroy humanity is finally in motion.
Can Miranda and Leo outsmart and outfight the intellectual beings that keep humans in the dark? Will Miranda finally learn Leo’s greatest secret?
Miranda’s battle takes her into ancient, high-tech tunnels that hold a bizarre surprise at every turn.

Previously $2.99

Category: Science Fiction – Adventure