Scarlett (A Very British Witch Book 1)

by Isobella Crowley

When book-store attendant and mystery-romance fan, Scarlett, is accused of murder, she finds herself taking up sleuthing in an attempt to clear her name before she’s arrested by the steamy local military police officer.

Her efforts, however, are thwarted, not only by him being on the same trail of clues, but also by having no recollection of the night in question.

To make matters worse, weird things keep happening around her.

Like, seriously weird.

Paranormal weird.

Dashing vampire suitor and whole new world of magic kind of weird.

If you like your paranormal mysteries quirky, British, and with a soupçon of romance in the air, then this, fair reader, is your cup of tea.

Previously $4.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban