Roanfire Saga Complete Series Box Set

by C.K. Miller

Keatep Brendagger is a skilled soldier who ferociously protects the shores of Roanfire from invading pirates. Raised in the shadow of a legendary warrior, Kea is desperate to prove herself.

When a crucial assignment takes her to the heart of Roanfire, she is not only met with political intrigue, assassination attempts, infiltrating pirates, and elemental sprites and dust – but a recurring nightmare: a city in flames, bloodthirsty pirates rampaging through its streets, and above it all, the specter of a glowing ruby heirloom taunting her with the promise of power to save everyone, but only at a price.

Kea soon learns that a bad dream is more than she thought.

With danger at every turn and an ancient evil threatening to destroy everything she loves, will Kea be able to save Roanfire, or will its power turn her into the very thing she’s fighting to stop?

Previously $9.99

Category: Fantasy – Epic