Outcast Journeys: Fantasy and Sci Fi Box Set by Eight Great Authorsby Nathan Anton, Tiffany Cherney, Tara Maya, Scarlett Van Dijk, Tracy Falbe, Ashley Capes, Alex James & James T KellyJoin in the adventures of heroes and heroines created by an international group of eight talented authors. Outcast Journeys brings together nine novels and novellas set in fascinating realms of the imagination. From dragons to space ships, experience the trials and battles of memorable characters as they navigate magical worlds. This multi-author fantasy and sci fi box set presents: Leros of the Underworld by Nathan Anton, Forgotten Relics by Tiffany Cherney, The Unfinished Song by Tara Maya, Sky Stone by Scarlett Van Dijk, Rys Rising by Tracy Falbe, The Amber Isle and A Forest of Eyes by Ashley Capes, Roc Isle: The Descent by Alex James, and The Fey Man by James T Kelly. $0.99 [amazon-element asin=”B01IFKP3JY” fields=”button” button_url=”https://bookbarbarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Amazon-Buy-Button.jpg”] Other Retailers Category: Fantasy – Anthologies & Short Stories |