Nite Fire: Flash Point

by C. L. Schneider

What if the legends are true? What if monsters are real? What if our world isn’t the only one?

Shapeshifter, Dahlia Nite, lives in the shadows, hunting the creatures that threaten an unsuspecting human race. But when a series of unexplained, brutal murders strike Sentinel City, light is shed on what should never be seen—and the little bit of peace she’s found in this world begins to crumble.

Flash Point is the award-winning first book in the Nite Fire Series.

Previously $3.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban

Nite Fire: Chain Reaction

by C. L. Schneider

Shapeshifter, Dahlia Nite, thought she knew the difference between monsters and humans. For nearly a hundred years, she’s hunted one to protect the other. But as a strange affliction strikes Sentinel City, the lines are blurring. Murder, mystery, mayhem—and dragons!

Previously $3.99