
by Robert New

This twelve story collection is centered around the theme of being altered by a situation. In the acclaimed How to Win a War, a soldier experiences a strategy for ending wars which might just work. In The Patriotic Amnesiac, a mother voluntarily gives up her ability to form new memories with far-reaching consequences. A Queen and a Prime Minister plot against a President in Sever-Reign. The Legend of Legend is a light-hearted caper about an egg which contains a universal truth. In the dystopian The Second Fear a ministry attempts to produce fear in someone who is incapable of feeling it. In the closing story, Devilish Tricks, a deal with the Devil changes Casimir Hendrix’s life, but is it for the better?

The collection has been praised by Sarah Stuart (author of the Royal Command series) for its “wicked twists” and “grippingly readable” stories.

Previously $5.95

Category: Science Fiction – Classics