Mind of the Minotaur: Tower Seed

by Atticus Andrews

Munch was supposed to be the warm-up boss.

He’s the smallest and weakest of seven brother Minotaurs, the legendary Minotaurs of Seven Groves. He is willing to do anything to help his family, even die.

When he makes a careless mistake, and the Knights Courageous ultimately capture his brothers, Munch struggles to come to terms with himself.

With twin curses that prevent him from leveling up his magical or physical abilities, Munch is virtually useless in battle.

Even so, he resolves to do everything within his power to bring his brothers back.

In Munch’s epic quest, he discovers a hidden strength within himself. Something not seen since ancient times. Something not even the Knights Courageous could have anticipated.

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – TV, Movie, Video Game Adaptations