MAIDENby Charles BrassAfter decades of hibernation, Crystal Maiden wakes in a time no longer her own. Injured, captive, her only allies are enemies from the past. Her Creator’s rebellion against the Brethren’s oppressive rule has failed. Compelled to continue the fight, she must learn how to co-exist with those who, for her, were enemies mere days ago. Then somehow overpower their captors. Afterward, they might repair their crippled ship and escape. But their captors turn out to be former allies of the rebellion. Their plight is dire, as they, too, face annihilation at the whims of the Brethren. Now, Crystal stands at a crossroads. Join these new friends and continue her Creator’s rebellion—likely doomed to be a short-lived effort. Or return with her rescuer and trust her influence with the Brethren is strong enough to protect her—and turn her back on the very essence of her existence. $0.00 Category: Science Fiction – Adventure |