Law of the Heretic: Immortality Shattered I

by Christian Warren Freed

The Staff of Life was meant to unite the peoples of the Free Lands in peace. Instead it brought pain, suffering, and war. For ever are the hearts of men easily corrupted.

Unrest spreads across the Free Lands. The High Council, once all powerful, is diminished, allowing wicked forces to break free from their prisons once again. The betrayal begins in the northwest where the Black Imelin betrays his oath and bond and sets out to find the lost Staff of Life. With it he will bring the Free Lands to their knees. The only thing standing in his path is a young Aron Kryte, a warrior of promise and the unknowing heir to a past best left unremembered and to the promise of a better future.

Young Kryte must assemble a ragtag band of heroes to stop the greatest evil in a thousand years but success is far from guaranteed. Life and death hang in the balance and the future is in doubt.

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Category: Fantasy – Sword & Sorcery