HOOD: A Post-Apocalyptic novel

by Evan Pickering

A Legend is reborn in the American apocalypse.

Rob ‘Hood’ Huntington was an easygoing twenty-something kid who loved house parties with good friends and bad jokes. He never thought about a life of survival.

Everything he knew disappeared in one day.

Two years have passed since the fall of civilization. Hidden away in the mid-Atlantic countryside rests the small town of Clearwater, where Hood, his sister Taylor, and an ex-cop by the name of Whiskey lead a group of survivors. Raging through the remnants of the northeast, two kings, the Kaiser and the Crusader, fight a bloody war for control of the land. Lucky for Hood, he learned quickly he is a truly gifted marksman. But learning to live with pulling the trigger is something else entirely.

Previously $2.99

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Category: Science Fiction – Post-Apocalyptic