Heritage Lost

by S.M Wright

Captain Katya Cassius never imagined shoving her military career down a trash compactor and launching it all into space.

However, one simple rescue mission shatters her career and life, alongside those of her two-person crew. Their discovery of a Magistrate warship, the Aletheia, and its slain crew ensnare them in a conspiracy centered on the lone survivor: an Oneiroi toddler. Katya rescues the boy despite the Oneiroi’s fearsome reputation. This act of mercy sees her own military turn its weapons on her ship.

Katya’s crew steps become dogged by the Magistrate and a terrorist organization. However, the boy’s genetics conceal a greater danger to Katya’s crew than either force. However, as an adopted child, Katya can’t abandon the boy, even as he reshapes her mind and uncovers her forgotten childhood.

Previously $4.99

Category: Science Fiction – Space Opera