Eros Element

by Cecilia Dominic

An ancient energy. A daring expedition. Two misfit scientists in a race against time.

Objects tell Iris McTavish their secrets, but none can enlighten her as to how to save her household. The only way to survive may be to marry an odious lordling who’ll expect her to give up her dreams of becoming an archaeologist.

With the world’s coal supply running low, Professor Edward Bailey could be a hero if only he could stabilize aether. Now his job and department are on the line if he doesn’t.

When a mysterious industrialist recruits Iris and Edward to join an expedition across Europe to search for clues in classical art and artifacts, both see a possible solution to their problems.

Danger lurks around every corner, and the past won’t give up its secrets without a price. Can these two misfit scientists work together to discover the truth… and do so quickly enough to survive?

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Category: Science Fiction – Steampunk