Dreams of Winter: A Forgotten Gods Tale #1

by Christian Warren Freed

Senior Inquisitor Breed is dedicated to stamping out heresy wherever he finds it. When the Inquisitor General assigns him to investigate the escape of one of history’s greatest threats he quickly finds himself at the center of a budding conspiracy with far reaching implications. He soon discovers the truths told to humanity are built upon lies.

Dark forces gather in the shadows. They ready to strike at the heart of all men hold dear. Should Inquisitor Breed fail to stop the spread of heresy there will be war without end. Unfortunately for Breed, it may already be too late.
The wheels are in motion. The quiet threat grows.
Deity and humanity clash.

Perfect for fans of Erikson, Weber, Herbert, and Martin, Dreams of Winter marks the first must-read volume of the Forgotten Gods Saga.

Previously $5.99

Category: Science Fiction – Military