Dreams of the Queen

by Jacqueline Patricks

Get the first book of completed The Brajj Trilogy and join the adventure!

Dr. Cass Baros is haunted by dreams of an alien world and will do anything to find it. Obsessed, she devotes her life, even if it means pulling apart the fabric of the universe. Relentlessly, she works her science team–along with her co-project leader and fiancé, Dr. Julian Saunders–in order to create the first lab-contained wormhole. Their boss, Dr. Janson, has a secret agenda. He adds a military contingent, which expands their six person team to twelve and increases tensions between the members. Egos will clash, agendas will cross, and their worlds will be undone.

The team, unable to return home and facing numerous dangers is plunged into an adventure beyond their control while being tossed between love and betrayal, genius and madness, and a jealousy frightening enough to cause the destruction of worlds.

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Category: Science Fiction – First Contact