Deviant Courses

by Elizabethe LaCoste

Babysitting a newborn dragon was not high on Kat’s list of extracurricular activities.

Katarina McCaber’s life revolves around maintaining good grades and avoiding trouble while she attends Lycée. Unfortunately, hatching and caring for a baby dragon wasn’t part of that plan, especially amidst an anti-dragon social order that could spell doom for her little friend.

Hiding a baby dragon isn’t the only thing Kat has to worry about. Her innate talent for finding herself in the wrong place at the wrong time lands her in the midst of a sinister plot unfolding at the heart of her school.

In her quest to uncover the truth, Kat, accompanied by her loyal friend Jonathan, stumbles upon a portal that transports them to an entirely new world.

Kat must summon every ounce of resilience, courage, and her newfound magical abilities to escape the clutches of this powerful enemy.

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Epic