Coward’s Truth: A Novel of the Heart Eternal

by Christian Warren Freed

Stranded on a gunpowder age planet, a makeshift squad of space marines must do whatever it takes to survive long enough to be rescued.

They were supposed to be going home. Then the enemy found them. Sergeant Hohn managed to piece together ten fellow soldiers from their doomed ship. Not the best or brightest, the squad crashes on a forgotten world where gods and monsters rule.

Nestled in the heart of the great desert is the Heart Eternal. The city of Ghendis Ghadanaban has been the jewel of all peoples for millennia. But with its reputation comes danger. The city awakens to the murder of their god-king. A desperate crew is assembled to escort the fallen god’s essence to the fabled mountain of Rhorrmere where he may be reborn and return to save the city from certain doom.

Previously $4.99

Category: Fantasy – Epic