Bond of a Dragon: Zahara’s Gift

by A J Walker

A young man forced into action. A juvenile dragon alone in a new world. Whispers of a terrible evil returning to power.

Nineteen-year-old Anders lived a fairly normal life until the only family he had was taken away from him. When he’s forced to embark on an action-packed adventure, he discovers there is more to the world than he was told. The magical force that flows within everything around him becomes revealed. Dragons, elves, orcs, and goblins lurk around nearly every turn along the path as he pursues his two kidnapped cousins.

When Anders is told about his potential involvement in a prophecy involving dragons and their powerful magic, he will need to make a tough decision. Will he continue to follow the path that is laid out for him or can he make his own destiny?

Previously $2.99

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Category: Fantasy – Coming of Age