Bloodline Academy

by Lan Chan

A Nephilim, a demon and a mage walk into a psychiatric hospital. This isn’t a joke. There’s no punchline. My name is Alessia Hastings. Welcome to my personal hell.

My weekly visit to Nanna’s psychiatric hospital ends with me in a celestial jail cell. Now an impossibly gorgeous Nephilim with a face I want to kiss, and an attitude I want to punch, tells me I’m not quite human.

Too bad they can’t tell exactly what I am. Only that my magic is dangerous. Which means I’ve earned a one way invitation to Bloodline Academy: A secret magical school that teaches the next generation of supernatural monsters how to go bump in the night.

You’d think the resident supernaturals would be my biggest problem at the Academy. But it’s the voices in my head that scare me.

Finishing this semester alive is going to be treacherous. Not making it through could mean the end of the world. No pressure.

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Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban