Beneath the Elven Moon

by Harley Ness

If you’ve ever felt the precious divinity of an instant soul connection with someone, then this Urban Fantasy is for you.

It’s a moving story about Thea Lane, an impassioned human who shares a deep love for nature, and an undeniable synergy with her best friend Dean Coady. But when her father dies and Dean is halfway across the world, she has never felt more alone.

After meeting the alluring stranger Arlen Castien, she falls for him hard, and fast. She soon learns that he is Elven, and life gets complicated. To make things worse, an ancient clan of dark Elves intent on maintaining the purity of Elvish bloodlines exists in the shadows, and she has caught their attention.

As Thea begins to discover her own spiritual gifts, she must learn to trust her instincts and choose between her feelings for both men. But if it’s destiny that has pulled her in, is it her own choice to make?

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban