Arrival of The Moon Hare (Rinyv, Book 1)

by Duyu Wander

Fear hinders one’s potential.

Rabbits are cute and harmless… This is what I told myself ever since I first found out about them. Recently, my opinion has changed drastically. What seemed like funny news on TV turned out to be a warning about a dark and gloomy future for me and the residents of Ostrits.

In addition, I’ve been brutally murdered four times, all occurring when I was fifteen. Surely not a coincidence! I am now living my fifth life hoping that my tragic fate can be altered, one way or another.

As the terrifying age of fifteen approaches and the chaotic events lead people down the path of despair, I can’t help but do everything in my power to overcome my past traumatic experiences and grow stronger, even if that means resorting to unconventional and morally wrong methods.

“Wait a second… Is that a giant pair of scissors?”

Previously $4.99

Category: Dark Fantasy