A Whisker Behind

by W.R. Gingell

Exiled, excommunicated, and with a bounty on his head, Athelas is lying low in Seoul for exactly one reason: he has a wedding to attend. Whether or not he’s welcome is another matter.

Luckily for Athelas, several bodies have turned up with their soft insides gnawed out—and the latest of those bodies is at the very wedding hall he has been staking out. The Behindkind investigators suspect one of Athelas’ housemates: YeoWoo, a gumiho with a thirst for revenge and an even greater appetite for soft underbelly than Athelas. To buy herself time, YeoWoo barters alibis with the suspiciously quiet fae sharing her house, but to remain free, she must find the real murderer.

By joining her, Athelas has exactly the chance he needs to prove that he is now a repentant, changed, and selfless fae…no matter how many Behindkind and humans he has to cut through to confirm that impression…

Previously $3.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban